The Enni team

The company is run by our Family "Enni".

 Father & son, we are very enthusiastic sailors and dedicated to our islands. Sail with us as we can contribute to make your holidays unforgettable!

Birgir & Hávarður Enni

Enniway was born on 01th of May 2005 when we bought a Bianca model 420 sailboat in Denmark and sailed her to her new home in the Faroe Islands, Tórshavn.

Birgir began sailing day tours with people onboard the old schooner, Norðlýsið in the early 1990, and Hávarður practically grew up onboard the beautiful wooden ship, embodying and growing fond of maritime life and the seaways.

On Norðlýsið, good food and stories from the sea were an integral part of the day tours. Birgir was the captain and storyteller of the schooner for around 30 years until he retired.

Birgir and Hávarður were among the first islanders to collect and promote the local delicacies of the fjords. Most Faroese people have tried or at least heard about Birgirs famous fish soup whilst sailing with Norðlýsið, and as a young boy, Hávarður would collect and sell fresh shellfish to restaurants as an after-school job.

With Enniway, we keep our passion for the sea alive. We invite old and new friends to sail with us and experience our beautiful archipelago by sea. Also we find much joy in cooking and sharing newly caught seafood. 

You will find Enniway in the cosy and picturesque harbour, Vágsbotn, and all our day tours begin in that very place. 

The Faroe Islands through our eyes

The Faroe Islands has an extraordinary oceanic climate on an exceptional location.

The landscape characterised by bold cliffs facing the rough sea is an incredible scenery with wildlife.

Exposed in the middle of the Atlantic, the weather can change very rapidly, and so the skies formation, giving the most beautiful and dramatic lights. We are sure this will be something you will enjoy during your time here.